Drawn to Science Education: Studying Science Teaching and Learning through Drawings

About: Publications

Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:

Hestness, E., Riedinger, K., & McGinnis, J. R, (in press, 2016). Approaches to using informal science education contexts to prepare informal and formal science educators  In. P. Patrick, (Ed.), Preparing informal science educators, Springer Press, New York.

McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E. (in press, 2016). Using drawings to make conjectures about teacher candidate’s moral reasoning about climate change. In P. Katz, (Ed.). Drawing conclusions: Drawings as data in science education. Sense Publishers, Netherlands.

Katz, P., McGinnis, J. R., Riedinger, K., Marbach-Ad, G. , Dai, A. (2013). The influence of informal science education experiences on the development of  two beginning teachers’ classroom science teacher identity. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 23, 1357-1379. DOI 10.1007/s10972-012-9330-z).

McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E., Riedinger, K., Katz, P., Marbach-Ad, G. & Dai, A. (2012). Informal science education in formal science teacher education. In K. Tobin, B.
Frasier, & C. McRobbie (Eds.), Second International Handbook of Science Education (pp.1097-1108). The Netherlands: Kluwer. DOI 10.1007/978-1-4020-9041-7.

Katz, P., McGinnis, J. R., Riedinger, K., Marbach-Ad, G. , Dai, A. (2012). The influence of informal science education experiences on the development of  two beginning teachers’ classroom science teacher identity. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 23(8), online. DOI) 10.1007/s10972-012-9330-z).

McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E., & Riedinger, K. (2011). Changing science teacher education in a changing global climate:  Telling a new story. In Jing Ling and R. Oxford (Eds.), Transformative Eco-Education For Human Survival: Environmental Education In A New Era (pp. 117-133). Charlotte, North Carolina :Information Age Publishing.

Hestness, E. McGinnis, J. R., Riedinger, K., & Marbach-Ad, G. (2011). A study of teacher candidates’ experiences investigating global climate change education within an elementary science methods course. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 22, 351-369. DOI: 10.1007/s10972-011-9234-2

McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E. (in press). Using Drawings to Examine Teacher Candidates’ Moral Reasoning About Climate Change. Boston: Sense Publishers.

Katz, P., McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E., Riedinger, K., Marbach-Ad, G., Dai, A., et al. Professional Identity Development of Teacher Candidates Participating in an Informal Science Education Internship: A focus on drawings as evidence. International Journal of Science Education, 33(9), 1169-1197.

Katz, P., McGinnis, J. R., Riedinger, K., Dai, A., & Pease, R. (2011). Professional Identity Development of beginning Elementary Teachers of Science: A Comparative Case Study. An interactive poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), Orlando, FL, April 3 - 6, 2011.

Schalk, K. A. (2012). A Socioscientific Curriculum Facilitating the Development of Distal and Proximal NOS Conceptualizations. International Journal of Science Education, 34(1), 1-24.

Riedinger, K., Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J.  R., & Hestness, E. (2011). Transforming elementary science teacher education by bridging formal and informal science education in an innovative science methods course. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 20(1), 51-64.

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J.R., Pease, R., Dai, A., Benson, S., Dantley, S.J. (2010). Transformative undergraduate science courses for non-majors at a historically black institution and at a primarily white institution. Science Education International, 21(4), 252-271.

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J. R., Pease, R., Dai, A., Schalk, K., &  Benson, S.  (2010). Clarity in Teaching and active learning in undergraduate microbiology course for non-majors. Bioscene, 36,2, 3-9.

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, Pease, R., Dai, A., J. R., Benson, S. & Schalk, K. (2009). Promoting science for all by way of student interest in an undergraduate microbiology course for non-majors. Journal of Microbiology Education, 10, 58-67.

Marbach-Ad, G., & McGinnis, J. R. (2009). A measurement of beginning mathematics teachers’ beliefs of subject matter and instructional actions over time.  School Science and Mathematics, 109 (6), 338-351.

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J. R., & Dantley, S. (2008). Beliefs and reported science teaching practices of recently graduated elementary and middle school teacher education majors from a historically black college/university and a predominately white college/university. Electronic Journal of Science Education, 12(2), 171-198.

Marbach-Ad, & McGinnis, J. R. (2008).  A measurement of beginning science teachers’ beliefs of subject matter and instructional actions over time.  Journal of Science Teacher Education, 18(2), 13-30.

McGinnis, J.R., & Marbach-Ad, G. (2007). What beliefs and intended actions do reform-prepared mathematics and science teachers convey to the workplace? The Journal of Mathematics and Science: Collaborative Exploration, 9, 81-117.

McGinnis, J. R., Roth McDuffie, A., & Graeber, A. (2006). Perceptions of making connections between science and mathematics in a science methods course. Journal of Elementary Science Education, 18(2), 13-29

Conference Proceedings:

Katz, P., McGinnis, J. R., Riedinger, K., Dai, A., & Pease, R. (2011). Professional Identity Development of beginning Elementary Teachers of Science: A Comparative Case Study. In the 2011 CD Proceedings of National Association For Research In Science Teaching (63 pages).

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J. R., Dantley, S.J., Spencer Benson, Amy Dai, & Rebecca Pease (2010). Promoting Science for All by Way of Student Interest in Transformative Undergraduate Science Non-Majors Courses in a Historically Black Institution and a Primarily White Institution. In the 2010 CD Proceedings of  the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (37 pages).

McGinnis, J. R., Marbach-Ad, G., Dantley, S. J, Pease, R & Dai, A (2010) The Beliefs and Reported Science Teaching Practices of Newly Graduated Elementary and Middle School Education Majors. In the 2010 CD Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (32 pages).

Riedinger, K., Hestness, McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E., Marbach-Ad, Pease, R., & Katz, P. (2010). Transforming Elementary Science Teacher Education By Bridging Formal And Informal Science Education In An Innovative Science Methods Course. In the 2010 CD Proceedings of National Association For Research In Science Teaching (47 pages).

Katz, P., Hestness, E., Riedinger, K., McGinnis, J.  R., Dai, A., and Pease, R. (2010). Identity development of teacher candidates participating in an informal science education internship: A focus on drawings as evidence.  In the 2010 Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Annual Meeting (39 pages).

Katz, P., McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E., Riedinger, K., Marbach-Ad, G., & Dantley, S. J. (2009). Transforming Science Teacher Preparation by Bridging Formal and Informal Science Education: A Focus on Drawings as Evidence. In the proceedings of the 2009 Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (78 pages).

McGinnis, J.R., Marbach-Ad, Pease, R., Dai, A, & Dantley, S. (2008). Landscape Baseline Data in a Large Scale Science Teacher Preparation Model : (Project NEXUS). In the proceedings of the 2008 Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (27 pages).

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J. R., Pease, R., Dai, A., Schalk, K, & Benson, S. (2008). Connecting learners’ area of interest in a microbiology course for non-majors and teacher interns: Project Nexus (Y2). In the 2008 Proceedings of the Association for Science Teacher Education (31 pages).

McGinnis, J.R., Marbach-Ad, Pease, R., Dai, A, & Dantley, S. (2008). Landscape Baseline Data in a Large Scale Science Teacher Preparation Model : (Project NEXUS). In the 2008 Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (27 pages).

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, & J. R., Dantley, S (2007). Beliefs and teaching practices reported by newly graduated elementary and middle school science teachers: Project Nexus (Year 1). In the proceedings of the 2007 Proceedings of the Association for Science Teacher Education (32 pages).

Research Presentations (National Audience):

Katz, P., McGinnis, J.  R., Riedinger, K., Dantley, S.  J., Marbach-Ad, G., Pease, R., Dai, A., & Jusiewicz, L. (2011). Professional Identity Development of Beginning Elementary Teachers of Science:  A Comparative Case Study. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research on Science Teaching, Orlando, Florida.

McGinnis, J. R., Marbach-Ad, G., Dantley, S. J., Pease, R., & Dai, A. (2010). The Beliefs and Reported Science Teaching Practices of Newly Graduated Elementary and Middle School Education Majors. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA, March, 2010. 

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J.R., Dantley, S.J., Benson, S., Dai, A., Pease, R. (2010). Promoting Science for All by Way of Student Interest in Transformative Undergraduate Science (on-majors Courses in Historically Black Institution and Primarily White Institution. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA, March, 2010. 

Katz, P., Hestness, E., Riedinger, K., McGinnis, J.R., Dai, A., Pease, R. (2010). Identity development of teacher candidates participating in an informal science education internship: A focus on drawings as evidence. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA, March, 2010. 

Riedinger, K., Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J.R., Hestness, E., Pease, R. (2010). Transforming Elementary Science Teacher Education by Bridging Formal and Informal Science Education in an Innovative Science Methods Course. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Philadelphia, PA, March, 2010. 

Katz, P., McGinnis, R., Riedinger, K., Hestness, E., Robinson, T., Williams, R., & Wilsman, R. (2010, March). Project Nexus: How does an informal afterschool science teaching experience influence teachers’ identity?  Using drawings as a reflective tool. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Science Teachers Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Katz, P., McGinnis, J.  R., Robinson, T., Williams, R., Wilsman, R., & Riedinger, K. (2010, March). First-year science teaching as a Project Nexus Graduate. A presentation for Teacher Researcher Day at the annual meeting of the National Science Teachers Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

McGinnis, J. R., Katz, P., Hestness, E., Riedinger, K., Marbach-Ad, G., & Dantley, S. J. (2009). Transforming Science Teacher Preparation by Bridging Formal and Informal Science Education: A Focus on Drawings as Evidence. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Garden Grove, California, April, 2009. 

Katz, P., McGinnis, J. R., Hestness, E., Riedinger, K., & Marbach-Ad, G. (2009). Bridging Informal and Formal Science Education in Elementary Teacher Preparation: A Study of the Role of an Internship in an Afterschool Informal Science Program. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California, April, 2009. 

Marbach-ad, G., McGinnis, J. R., Pease, R., Dai, A, Schalk, K., & Bensen, S. (2009). Taking The Next Step In Transforming An Undergraduate Science Content Course Appropriate For Teacher Education Majors: Science For All Via Student Interest. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Diego, California, April, 2009. 

Katz, P., McGinnis, J.R., Robinson, T., & Lewis, K. (2009). Informal science education in formal elementary/middle school teacher preparation: The case of an informal science education internship (Hands on Science Science, Outreach). A participatory session to presented at the annual meeting of the National Science Teachers Association, New Orleans, LA, March, 2009. 

McGinnis, J. R.,Marbach-Ad, G. Dantley, S. J., Benson, S., Dai, A, & Pease, R. (2008). Landscape Baseline data in a large scale science teacher preparation model. A paper presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, Baltimore, Maryland, April, 2008.

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J. R., Pease, R., Dai, A., Schalk, K., & Bensen, S. (2008). Teaching for All in a Microbiology Course for Non-Majors and Teachers’ Interns: Project Nexus (Y2). A paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, New York, New York, April, 2008.

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, & J. R., Benson, S., & Schalk, K (2008). Connecting learners’ area of interest in a microbiology course for non-majors and teachers’ interns: Project Nexus (Y2). A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Educators, St. Louis, Missouri, February, 2008.

Benson, S., Schalk, K, McGinnis, J.R., Marbach-Ad, G., (2007). Using student interest to foster reconstructive learning in a non-majors microbiology course: A preliminary report. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), Buffalo, New York.

McGinnis, & J. R., Benson, S., Dantley, S. (2007). The Maryland upper elementary/middle school science teacher professional continuum model. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Science Foundation DR-K12 Conference, Arlington, VA, September 9-11.

Marbach-Ad, G., & McGinnis, J.R. (2007). Beliefs and reported science teaching practices of recently graduated elementary and middle school teacher education majors: a mixed methods analysis. A paper accepted for presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL., April 13, 2007.

Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, & J. R., Dantley, S. (2007). Beliefs and teaching practices reported by newly graduated elementary and middle school science teachers: Project Nexus (Year 1). A paper presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Educators, Clearwater, Fl, January 4, 2-7.

McGinnis, & J. R., Benson, S., Dantley, S. (2006). The Maryland upper elementary/middle school science teacher professional continuum model. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Science Foundation Teacher Professional Continuum Conference,
Reston, VA, May 7-9.

Research Presentations (International Audience):

Dantley, S., McGinnis, J. R., Marbach-Ad, G., Pease, R., Dai, A. (2009). Project NEXUS as a large scale science teacher preparation model. A paper presented at the 11the Annual International Cross Cultural Research Exchange Conference With the Faculty of Political Science and International Relations  Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota, Colombia.

Dantley, S., Marbach-Ad, G., McGinnis, J. R., & Benson, S. (2007). Benchmark data in a transformative science teacher education program, Project Nexus. A paper presented at the annual Xiamen research conference , Xiamen, China.

Benson, S., Schalk, K, McGinnis, J.R., Marbach-Ad, G. (2007). Using student interest to foster reconstructive learning in a non-majors microbiology course: A preliminary report. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Microbiology Conference on Undergraduate Education (ASMCUE), Toronto, Canada.

Benson, S., Schalk, K, McGinnis, J.R., Marbach-Ad, G., (2007). Using student interest to foster reconstructive learning in a non-majors microbiology course. International Society for Scholarship in Teaching and Learning (ISSoTL), Sydney, Australia.

Community Presentations (Local Audience):

Riedinger, K. (2010, April). The influence of the inclusion of informal science education and a focus on data management in an elementary science methods course. A paper presented at the University of Maryland College of Education Graduate Research Day, College Park, Maryland.

McGinnis, J. R., & Hestness, E. (2009, May). Project Nexus science methods study: Infusion of a climate change module in formal teacher education preparation. A presentation at the Professional Development Schools (Team A) Spring Meeting, Hollywood Elementary School, College Park, MD.

McGinnis. J. R. Hestness, E., & Riedinger, K. (2008, November). Studying the use of a climate change module in science teacher preparation. A poster presented at the annual meeting of the ISSL, University of Maryland, College Park.

McGinnis, J.R. (2008, October). Project Nexus:  An update of Y2 and Y3 findings. Elementary Teacher Education Program, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

McGinnis, J.R, Katz, P., Hestness, E, Riedinger, K., & Marbach-Ad, G. (2008). Research in Project Nexus: An examination of the use of drawings to gain insight into elementary education interns' change of science teaching identify as influenced by an informal science education internship. A presentation at the UMD Science Teaching Center's colloquium series. College Park, MD.  

McGinnis, J. R., Dantley, S.J., Lewis, K., & Robinson. (2008, October). The recruitment of science teachers of color: the views of education and science content advisors, HBCU and PWCU contexts. An invited seminar for the Minority Institute for Minority Achievement and Undergraduate Education, University of Maryland, College Park.

McGinnis, J. R., Marbach-Ad, Riedinger, K, & Hestness, E. (2008).  Survey results of elementary/middle school majors in a transformative science methods course (Project Nexus). A presentation at the annual meeting of the Prince George’s County/University of Maryland Professional Development Schools, Rockledge and Hollywood Elementary Schools, Maryland.

McGinnis, J.R. (2007, October). Project Nexus:  An update of Y1 findings. Elementary Teacher Education Program, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

McGinnis, J. R. (2007, April). ). Project Nexus: An update of Y2 activities. Elementary Teacher Education Program, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

McGinnis, J.R. (2007, January). Project Nexus: An update of Y2 activities. Professional Development Schools Coordinating Council (Prince Georges’ County Public School System), Bowie Elementary School, Bowie, Maryland.

McGinnis, J.R. (2006, December). Project Nexus: An update of Y1 findings. Elementary Teacher Education Program, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

McGinnis, J.R. (2006, October). Project Nexus: Y2 research activities. Elementary Teacher Education Program, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

McGinnis, J.R. (2005, December). Project Nexus: Research aims and design. Elementary Teacher Education Program, Department of Curriculum & Instruction, College of Education, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.

McGinnis, J.R., Pease, R., & Dai, A. (2005, October). Project Nexus: An overview of its goals and activities. Professional Development Schools Coordinating Council (Prince Georges’ County Public School System), Beltsville Elementary School, Beltsville, Maryland.

Graduate Students’ Scholarly Papers and Dissertations (Project Nexus Studies):

Reidinger, K.A. (2011, Spring). Identity development of middle school students as learners of science at an informal science education camp. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Maryland, MD. Dissertation Director: Dr. J. Randy McGinnis.

Schalk, K.  (2009, Spring). A Case-Study Of A Socio-Scientific Issues Curricular And Pedagogical Intervention In An Undergraduate Microbiology Course: A Focus On Informal Reasoning. Unpublished Doctoral Dissertation, University of Maryland, MD. Dissertation Director: Dr. J. Randy McGinnis

Hestness, E (2009, Spring). Educating future teachers of science for environmental literacy, global awareness and social consciousness:  A study of a global climate change curricular module in an elementary science methods course. Unpublished Masters Scholarly Paper, University of Maryland, MD. Scholarly Paper Director: Dr. J. Randy McGinnis